waterfall user stories #3

Image result for Sand Brook Falls




Where is Sand Brook Falls #3 located Nick?


Charles – Sand Brook is located in Clarendon, west of Welsford. If you were in Welsford, take Route 101 west approximately 10 km to the Ogden Road and follow the Ogden Road approximately 10.5 km – it will lead you right to Sand Brook Falls. The Oromocto Watershed Group have signed the wtaerfalls along with Bald Mountain…another must see. If you go to Everytrail website you can see further directions that I have posted. The link is…


There are a number of waterfalls in the area, including Sand Brook Falls, Carrow Falls, Pete Brook Falls and Hubble Falls. I will be posting these soon


I attempted to see this waterfall today, but I came to some problems with the road/trail. I would have been able to go the distance had I been driving a truck. I got to 9km before I had to turn around… I will attempt to see this again


Wonder if you can post the directions to these another falls you mentioned

I have been to sands falls and it’s great. Never heard of the other thou